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"Get Hooked on Wisconsin"

Chain Pickerel Comments

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User: baystateangler
Comment: These things are savages and can put up a real fight, not to mention get as big as a small pike. Just gotta be careful of the teeth!
Date: 04/27/15 06:25 PM

User: tommy311
Comment: 27 1/4" 4 1/2 lbs. caught 10/3/12 on rapala 1/2 oz baby bass lure

Date: 12/29/12 10:38 PM

User: pikesrcollio
Comment: i caught a 6 pound one pleasent pond
Date: 08/01/12 06:41 PM

User: shipoopi
Comment: This was my first big fish. They put up a good fight and I never had the line break. which is weird because I never use a net or steel leads but I am sure that it will change soon.
Date: 07/08/12 02:08 PM

User: hooligan
Comment: Trash fish my ass, this is a great fish to catch. Great fights, and awesome looking too! I remember catching my first one when I was around 8 years old.
Date: 06/27/12 02:44 AM

User: jweeks1357
Comment: caught plenty of nice pickeral at lake williams over the past few years. the biggest being nineteen inches and over two pounds.
Date: 06/20/12 09:31 PM

User: anglerman13
Comment: my friend was about to take a picture of one when he caught one and the fish broke of the line and wriggled back into the water
Date: 06/05/12 07:32 AM

User: massbasshunter
Comment: I caught one a few weeks ago it was real nice and measured 14 inches long.

Date: 09/27/11 07:53 PM

User: shawn123
Comment: got another Super Spot, and Mustad steel leaders. Gonna bring a net and catch another big one.
Date: 09/07/11 05:01 AM

User: shawn123
Comment: Going for round 2 with pickerel, bringing a net.
Date: 09/02/11 12:48 PM

User: shawn123
Comment: I caught a large specimen that was about 3 lbs. in my pond, but after pulling it out of the water it broke the line and escaped with my Cotton Cordell Super Spot crankbait.
Date: 09/01/11 07:20 PM

User: timmeh
Comment: I caught one of these in southford falls but they aren't supposed to be there according to the anglers guide
Date: 08/20/11 10:48 AM

User: timmeh
Comment: I have hooked one of these and i knew what it was because it jumped and I saw it's head but I didn't manage to reel it in.
Date: 08/13/11 07:44 AM

User: raptor915
Comment: I enjoy fishin fer pickeral,they are very agressive when they strike! I use rubber salamender's (light brown) they luv'em at crystal lake middletown CT!
Date: 05/11/11 08:51 AM

User: spidercrab
Comment: Been targeting this species most of my life. I've taken nice fish on the surface, with lures, and live bait. Don't have many pike waters around otherwise I'd be trying for those. Did catch some nice ones in Quebec years ago. I've caught some nice one's this winter. Got some photos posted somewhere on this site.
Date: 02/20/11 11:49 PM

User: pmarut
Comment: I just lost a monster today!!! I'm sooooo upset! It was at least 24" long and could have been in excess of 5-6lbs. I caught it @ hidden lake in Higganum. As I was reaching down to grab the monster and pull it out of the water, it whipped it's head to the side and bit right through my line, taking my lucky yellow and red dare devil with it. Talk about a heartbreaker. I didn't even get a chance to take a picture. Next time I'm bringing a net.
Date: 09/19/10 08:16 PM

User: nefisherman92
Comment: Though there are some quick ID marks that will help, the best 100% accurate field mark to differentiate the species are the gill covers. The gill covers of Pickerel are fully scaled, whereas there are no scales on the lower half of the gill cover for a Pike.
Date: 09/08/10 10:53 AM

User: pramsey
Comment: Seems to be allot of confusion regarding the ID of chain pickerel and northern pike. I’ve made the mistake several time myself. I think the quickest way to differentiate between chain pickerel and northern pike, aside from the CHAIN link pattern of a chain pickerel vs. the STRAIGHT bars of a northern pike, is the vertical stripe across the eye on the chain pickerel and the spotted fins on a northern pike.
Date: 09/06/10 10:29 AM

User: linkmak
Comment: i love fishing for pickeys... caught 8 so far this year.. all over the great state of Rhode island
Date: 04/27/10 11:25 AM

User: upperwestside
Comment: I don't typically fish for them but when they hit it's a fight from start to finish. Gets your blood going for sure.

Date: 04/03/10 05:07 AM

User: gluttony32
Comment: Very underrated fish and i dont understand why. Puts up a great fight one of my favorite to catch. They get big in south jersey.
Date: 03/11/10 10:16 AM

User: truckie45
Comment: This is one fish I really have fun fishing for.
Date: 02/26/10 03:41 PM

User: kevdd
Comment: ive caught alot this year more than the last few years? some nice size ones in south watuppa pond fall river
Date: 10/08/09 04:21 PM

User: napa
Comment: Some monster Pickerel you guys have caught!
Date: 08/12/09 12:58 PM

User: brettinbrookline
Comment: Are ther any in New England?
Date: 08/06/09 11:58 AM

User: bullshark
Comment: I think this is one of the most under-rated game fish around. I love catching them. They put up the most spirited fight.
Date: 08/04/09 03:10 PM

User: kevinjr94
Comment: i love catching pickerels!
Date: 08/03/09 08:01 PM

User: carpman
Comment: I get alot of these in northern RI, mostly small 12 inch ones though.
Date: 07/21/09 08:46 PM

User: diggadave24
Comment: ive been getting alot of these

Date: 05/21/09 08:38 PM

User: smokecity

Date: 05/18/09 01:43 AM

User: smokecity
Date: 05/18/09 01:42 AM

User: wgpjim
Comment: I love cathing pickeral, they put up a better figh then bass do, check my pics I have some nice ones from this year, I got a spot where 8-9 lb pickeral been caught close to or biger then Nj record.
Date: 05/12/09 07:15 AM

User: sandflea
Comment: I think pickerel are one of the most overlooked game fish. They are always willing to play, and are scrapy. I target pickerel though out the spring.
Date: 03/19/09 07:09 PM

User: bigjim
Comment: These are fun to catch and will take artificials as well as live bait. My best have typically come on live bait however. Fish around heavy cover with a minnow and you can find them in most of the rivers in the eastern part of the state.
Date: 03/10/09 07:17 PM

User: diggadave24
Comment: i gott a nice 25" one last year but i have no idea how many lbs.

Date: 03/09/09 05:05 PM

User: jess
Comment: Man I LOVE catchin pickerel, especially big ones. They put up a great fight man! Very fun fish to catch.
Date: 02/28/09 08:58 PM

User: pawel1978
Comment: my favorite game fish !!!!
Date: 11/22/08 05:15 AM

User: pawel1978
Comment: very agressive predator,apex predator native to connecticut ,active all year long,good for ice fishing
Date: 11/20/08 04:44 AM

User: pawel1978
Comment: very agressive predator,apex predator native to connecticut ,active all year long,good for ice fishing
Date: 11/20/08 04:43 AM

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